Stephanie Radler - Conscious & Confident Motherhood Support

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Freeing Up Space for Joy and Wonder


I went on a diet. Instead of cutting out carbs, though I cut out social media – for a week.

Raising awareness and resisting the urge to open apps

 Making mindful choices

There are zillions of distractions out there, from watching Netflix to scrolling on Instagram.

When I questioned whether creating content was a valuable use of my time, I decided to put it to the test, and go cold turkey to find out. I figured I’d stay off social for 2 weeks or so.

On Day 1, it was interesting and horrifying to observe how many times I mindlessly reached for my phone. I resisted the urge to open any apps.

On Day 2, twice I mindlessly reached for my phone. Again, I resisted the urge.

By the end of Day 2, there was a sense of relief and freedom that came from being untethered to social media.

Creating space for magic and manifestation

Over the next several days, I noticed a sense of relaxation and greater productivity. Freeing up mental space helped me stay focused too. I also daydreamed. On my walks, I was 100% present to appreciate spring in bloom.


Social media is designed to give us a dopamine hit; it’s meant to make us feel good.

But does it? Really?

My clients are moms who sometimes feel overwhelmed. I ask them about how they’re spending their time and about what kind of environment they’re creating for themselves and their families.

She may not have a regular self-care practice, and recognizes she needs to make some changes. When she’s stressed, that energy will spill over into her home. She may become irritable or feel like there’s not enough hours in the day. She understands the value of taking care of herself, but may not be sure how to go about it.

Finding harmony

Just like a mom who sets the tone for her home, I learned I need to create parameters.

To be honest, there’s a temptation to remain offline indefinitely.

Since I’m connected to certain communities, I’ve decided to return to social media. However, I’m coming up with intentional plan.

Setting healthy boundaries will allow me to stay connected while continuing to enjoy my newfound freedom.

What’s the impact of social on your home?

How does social media impact your day-to-day being?  

What boundaries would you need to put into place to protect and honor your mental, emotional, energetic wellness and raise a healthy family?

Would you benefit by putting healthy practices and systems in place?

Call or text me to learn more about how you can transform your life with mindfulness.