Speaker for female organizations NYC and NJ


Are you a female organization, a circle of women or a group of moms looking to connect with one another and yourself?

As a woman, and a mom, you recognize that it’s way too easy to put others first. If it’s time to ditch stress and overwhelm, and reclaim time and joy, I can help.

For female execs, entrepreneurs, working moms, stay-at-home moms (i.e. all of us!) being mindful, staying inspired and making time for rest and renewal are keys to success.

When you book me to speak at your next event, I’ll share how you can return to wholeness while boosting professional and personal health and wellness too. I’ll share simple ways you can shift your thinking so you can be present and relaxed.

Presentation Topics are tailored to meet the needs of the group. Some suggestions include:

  • Healing the Self 

  • Making Modern Motherhood Work (double entendre intended)

  • Creating Harmony at Home Amid the Chaos

  • Claiming Your Intuitive Gifts 

  • Mindfulness and Motherhood

  • Reproductive Health and Healing

  • Why Rest and Relaxation Must Become a Priority

Presentations are evidence-based as well as inspiring, experiential and interactive.

Have fun while transforming your life!

Motherhood event hosting and speaker

Maintaining a regular self-care practice is one the biggest challenges a modern mama faces. Let me show you how to change the way you begin and end your day so you can transform your life. Be present and make mindful choices - when you tune out distractions like social media.

Reach out today to discover how to make your next event successful

more on speaking engagements and EVENTS in my BLOG.

"Stephanie has been my calm in the eye of the storm. As a mother and business owner, I am constantly pulled in multiple directions. She’s helped me recenter and shift my mindset to a more positive outlook. What I appreciate most about working with Stephanie is how she shares tools that allow me to empower myself. I have become the calmer and more present mother I strive to be because of Stephanie's guidance and support."

— Lisa, mom of 3 boys

“Health is a positive vitality- not merely the absence of disease.” 

The Institute for Functional Medicine