Yoga, Pregnancy Stephanie Radler Yoga, Pregnancy Stephanie Radler

Creating Space for Stillness and Ease Amid the Chaos

Living in constant noise adversely effects our nervous system as well as our ability to think clearly. Without silence, an overwhelmed and exhausted mom tends to react, rather than respond. Learning how to turn down the external noise is necessary for a new mom. When you do, you’ll reduce stress and anxiety and begin to experience greater relaxation while learning to listen to your intuition.

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Yoga, Pregnancy, Doula Stephanie Radler Yoga, Pregnancy, Doula Stephanie Radler

How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga - Part 1

Pregnancy, a sacred time of change, is an opportunity to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically for birth and motherhood. It’s a time to honor the sacred power of individual and collective feminine energy.  By harnessing this power, discover how you can be the confident, calm and grounded mom you want to be.  

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Conscious and Confident Motherhood - it’s a choice and a lifelong journey.

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