Creating Space for Stillness and Ease Amid the Chaos
Living in constant noise adversely effects our nervous system as well as our ability to think clearly. Without silence, an overwhelmed and exhausted mom tends to react, rather than respond. Learning how to turn down the external noise is necessary for a new mom. When you do, you’ll reduce stress and anxiety and begin to experience greater relaxation while learning to listen to your intuition.
Prepare for the Holiday Season
Cultivate peace and harmony this holiday season with embodied presence.
Breath by breath, moment by moment
Discover how to create space - for your body, mind and soul- with mindful, conscious breathing. Learn how to create a sense of calm and presence. Whether you're using Womb Breathing to nurture your baby as you prepare for birth or Womb Healing to heal and recover from birth, each breath is an opportunity to create space, restore balance, and promote healing.
Learning to surrender: How to prepare for your first, with embodied presence and relaxation.
Whether you’re birthing a baby or a new project, at some point, you need to let go, and trust. Trust that you’ve prepared enough and that you’re well taken care of. Otherwise, it’s impossible to be fully present for whatever arises. I knew that in order to birth this project successfully, I’d need support.
Finding Freedom
Daily movement keeps mama feeling well and baby developing optimally. Keep your hips open and healthy and shoulders supple while reducing stress and anxiety.
The Art of Surrender
Motherhood requires surrender, and surrender requires practice. Letting go of control isn't always easy. The more you practice, the easier it becomes which ultimately leads to freedom and joy.
A Dash of Common Sense and a Pinch of Patience Required: Postnatal Nutrition
Healthy nutrition during the early postpartum period is essential. Learn how foods from the Ayurvedic tradition help with t c-section recovery, breastfeeding and more.
Learning to Listen
Listening is an art, and a regular meditation provides a sturdy foundation on which a mother learns to listen, first to herself and to her child. Bring meditation into labor for calm and confidence. Discover how it’s a loving pathway to knowing the Self intimately.
Breath Practices for Motherhood
Using your breath as a focal point is an effective way to steady the mind and create space in the body. Breath techniques helps a new mom stay grounded and centered during pregnancy and beyond. Techniques also help with postpartum recovery.
Pregnancy: How Yoga Relieves Anxiety
During pregnancy when there’s so much to think about and planning to do, it’s challenging to stay present. Yoga is an ideal way for a new mom to take control of her body and her mind, helping her to relieve anxiety as she confidently prepares for labor and birth.
Establishing a Home Practice
A home yoga practice is a powerful tool for self-care for a new mom. Clear space in your home, in your day and in your mind. Like a newborn, a home practice needs attention and care. With steady dedication, it grows. Nurture it, and it will nurture you.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 4
Yoga cultivates deep trust. This inward journey helps a pregnant mom cultivate equanimity and learn to trust nature, her baby and herself.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 3
Deep, conscious breathing helps a new mom create pace internally, in the body as well as the mind. It supports the physiological and brain development of her baby.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 2
Yoga poses, known as asana, benefits a woman physically, mentally and emotionally as she prepares her body, mind and soul for the challenges of labor, birth and motherhood. With a regular and consistent practice, a new mom can feel well during pregnancy while making a positive impact on her baby.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga - Part 1
Pregnancy, a sacred time of change, is an opportunity to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically for birth and motherhood. It’s a time to honor the sacred power of individual and collective feminine energy. By harnessing this power, discover how you can be the confident, calm and grounded mom you want to be.
Movement and Stillness
Discover calm, clarity and confidence when you learn to dance between action and silence. Movement, breath awareness and meditation offer a path to peace and help moms find center amid the joys and challenges of raising babies.
Mindfulness and Your Breath
For a healthy, satisfying and joyful life, mindfulness is key. It helps us develop agency and wisdom as well as kindness and compassion. It’s been shown to benefit our health, well-being and longevity. Best of all, it helps reduce stress.