Embracing Gratitude this Holiday Season
Every nurturing act of love sets the foundation for your child’s secure attachment. While there’s little glamour to the late-night feedings and diaper changes, doesn’t it make sense that you’re kind and loving towards yourself too? Many new moms set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Get the support you deserve. No one can do it alone.
The Changes and Challenges of Early Motherhood
Transitions are difficult, even when change, like welcoming a baby home, is desired and excitedly anticipated. In the early days of motherhood, baby’s primary needs are a priority. So is mama’s self-care. With limited time and space, integrating simple practices into your daily routine is can make all the difference.
Freeing Up Space for Joy and Wonder
There are zillions of distractions out there and I questioned whether creating content was a valuable use of my time. Ultimately, I discovered a sense of relief and freedom that came from being untethered to social media.
Learning to surrender: How to prepare for your first, with embodied presence and relaxation.
Whether you’re birthing a baby or a new project, at some point, you need to let go, and trust. Trust that you’ve prepared enough and that you’re well taken care of. Otherwise, it’s impossible to be fully present for whatever arises. I knew that in order to birth this project successfully, I’d need support.
How to transform perfectionism into resilience
Pregnancy is an ideal time to let go of perfectionism. With love, courage and compassion, you can cultivate resilience and break the generational cycles - for you and your family.
Mindfulness and Your Breath
For a healthy, satisfying and joyful life, mindfulness is key. It helps us develop agency and wisdom as well as kindness and compassion. It’s been shown to benefit our health, well-being and longevity. Best of all, it helps reduce stress.