"Embracing Flow: Letting Go of Resistance and Finding Peace"
If you’ve ever wondered why trying something new feels scary, it’s because your brain likes what feels familiar. Resistance is a form of opposition to change which can be viewed as signal for the need to shift. Use my Checklist to honestly assess your physical, mental and emotional states so you can discover safety and freedom.
How to Reduce Your Risk of a Maternal Mood Disorder: Part II
Early motherhood can be overwhelming. Discover how deep breathing, mindfulness and bonding with baby can lower your risk of postpartum anxiety and depression. Learn how to build your circle of support and ask for help.
Learning to surrender: How to prepare for your first, with embodied presence and relaxation.
Whether you’re birthing a baby or a new project, at some point, you need to let go, and trust. Trust that you’ve prepared enough and that you’re well taken care of. Otherwise, it’s impossible to be fully present for whatever arises. I knew that in order to birth this project successfully, I’d need support.
What do I need to know to prepare for birth?
Women have been disempowered and conditioned to believe they cannot birth without medical interventions. You can ensure your positive birth experience with the right information and the right practices.
Language Lab:
If language creates reality, ask yourself, “What language am I using?” Is it empowering or disempowering? A look at the her story of birth in the U.S. reveals how common phrases shape how a woman views her authority, agency and ability to advocate for herself during the sacred period of pregnancy, labor and birth and early motherhood.
Say What You Need to Say
Learning to effectively and unapologetically use your voice during pregnancy is key, for labor and birth and for raising children. if you’ve ever felt like your throat is blocked, safe practices, like vocal toning, can help you find freedom.
The Physiology of Birth
Learning the physiology of birth can free a woman from fear. When she understands how brilliant Mother Nature truly is, she can trust and let go.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga - Part 1
Pregnancy, a sacred time of change, is an opportunity to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically for birth and motherhood. It’s a potent time to honor and revere the sacred power of individual and collective feminine energy. By harnessing this power, discover and maintain balance. The practice of yoga helps ground you as you gain confidence to gracefully assert yourself while taking good care of your health. With yoga, uncover your essence. Recognize you are a beautiful, empowered birthing goddess.