Embracing Gratitude this Holiday Season
Every nurturing act of love sets the foundation for your child’s secure attachment. While there’s little glamour to the late-night feedings and diaper changes, doesn’t it make sense that you’re kind and loving towards yourself too? Many new moms set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Get the support you deserve. No one can do it alone.
Pregnancy: How Yoga Relieves Anxiety
During pregnancy when there’s so much to think about and planning to do, it’s challenging to stay present. Yoga is an ideal way for a new mom to take control of her body and her mind, helping her to relieve anxiety as she confidently prepares for labor and birth.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 4
Yoga cultivates deep trust. This inward journey helps a pregnant mom cultivate equanimity and learn to trust nature, her baby and herself.
How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 3
Deep, conscious breathing helps a new mom create pace internally, in the body as well as the mind. It supports the physiological and brain development of her baby.