Stephanie Radler - Conscious & Confident Motherhood Support

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Leaving the Comfort Zone

As human beings, we like our comfort zone

Why? Because the brain registers whatever is familiar. Once we begin to move out of our comfort zone, the brain protests in the form of resistance.  This is why it’s difficult to change a pattern and why New Year’s Resolutions often fail. 

Choosing parenthood is choosing to step outside of the comfort zone. Parenthood requires flexibility and responsibility in order to manage the unpredictability life brings.

Making conscious choices can be a challenge especially considering that about 95 % of our behavior is unconscious!

Good news…

With awareness and intention, there are ways to coax the brain into new patterns.

According to BKS Iyengar, renowned yoga teacher, “The body is a learning device for the mind.” By addressing and exploring the body, mental patterns can shift, optimizing the brain’s plasticity. 

Recall a time when you felt anxious or stressed. What did that feel in your body? Were you tense? Contracted? Now think of a time when you were totally relaxed. What did that feel like in your body? What was the state of your mind? 

The body holds clues and acts like a barometer.  It’s key to shifting into a state of openness and receptivity. By consciously observing and adapting the patterns of the body, it’s possible to change the patterns of the brain and end an ancestral pattern, for example.

How can you use your body to re-train your brain?