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Conscious and Confident Motherhood - it’s a choice and a lifelong journey.

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Stephanie Radler Stephanie Radler

The Changes and Challenges of Early Motherhood  

Transitions are difficult, even when change, like welcoming a baby home, is desired and excitedly anticipated.In the early days of motherhood, baby’s primary needs - to sleep, be held, fed and changed, are a priority. 

In reality, there’s limited time and space for your self-care practices. And because they’re also a priority, integrating simple practices into your daily routine is optimal. 

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Language Lab:

If language creates reality, ask yourself, “What language am I using?” Is it empowering or disempowering? A look at the her story of birth in the U.S. reveals how common phrases shape how a woman views her authority, agency and ability to advocate for herself during the sacred period of pregnancy, labor and birth and early motherhood.

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Doula Care, Postnatal, Prenatal Stephanie Radler Doula Care, Postnatal, Prenatal Stephanie Radler

Oxytocin v. Pitocin

Oxytocin is the hormone mainly responsible for contractions during labor and bonding. Oxytocin is even found in breast milk. Studies show that a nursing mother is often calm and relaxed. Pitocin, on the other hand, is a synthetic form of oxytocin that doesn’t offer all of the benefits of its natural counterpart. It’s important to understand the distinction between oxytocin and pitocin, and to discuss it with your doctor, during your pregnancy, before labor even begins.

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Doula Care, Mindfulness, Postnatal, Prenatal Stephanie Radler Doula Care, Mindfulness, Postnatal, Prenatal Stephanie Radler

How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 4

Yoga cultivates deep trust. This inward journey helps a pregnant woman manage external factors and changing conditions with grace and ease. By cultivating equanimity, she learns to trust nature and herself.  Yoga helps a woman train her mind and calm her brain.  By cultivating equanimity, she learns to trust nature and herself.

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Prenatal, Postnatal, Mindfulness, Doula Care Stephanie Radler Prenatal, Postnatal, Mindfulness, Doula Care Stephanie Radler

How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga-Part 2

The third limb of yoga, asana, may be the most familiar to us. Asana are shapes, postures or poses. Asana benefits a woman physically, mentally and emotionally as she prepares her body, mind and soul for the challenges of labor, birth and motherhood. A regular and consistent practice of asana helps a woman feel well and confident, and makes a positive impact on the birth of her family. 

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Doula Care, Mindfulness, Prenatal, Postnatal Stephanie Radler Doula Care, Mindfulness, Prenatal, Postnatal Stephanie Radler

How the Path of Pregnancy Echoes the 8 Limbs of Yoga - Part 1

Pregnancy, a sacred time of change, is an opportunity to prepare physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically for birth and motherhood. It’s a potent time to honor and revere the sacred power of individual and collective feminine energy.   By harnessing this power, discover and maintain balance.  The practice of yoga helps ground you as you gain confidence to gracefully assert yourself while taking good care of your health. With yoga, uncover your essence.  Recognize you are a beautiful, empowered birthing goddess.

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